Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Holidays

December is here and time is passing quickly. We’ve accomplished a great deal over the past 3 months and we are impressed with the progress everyone is making. We appreciate the motivation and desire to improve the dance skills, and we hope you are enjoying your experience with us.

We have some fun and special things planned for the month of December. We will be learning some little Christmas dances, and doing some fun activities. Dec. 19th, 20h, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, will be the last classes of the month. We will be having a little Christmas party in class on these days with some special surprises for our younger classes. We will be holding all of our regularly scheduled classes through Dec. 23rd, after which we will break for Christmas Vacation. Classes will resume on Monday, Jan. 2nd, 2012.

We are currently trying to schedule our rehearsal and recital dates. Our hope is to schedule it for sometime in mid May, however at this time we do not have exact dates that we are working with and we will not have a definite confirmation from BYU-ID until some time in February. We will notify you immediately as soon as we receive confirmation.

We would like to remind you of our “Winter Weather Policy”. If you are unfamiliar with it please refer to our November Newsletter. We also post any cancellations on our blog at, and on our Facebook page. These two places are also were we post and update all kinds information, so be sure to follow us there.

We also want to let you know how much we appreciate the timely manner in which you have been paying your fees. Although we sincerely want our focus to be on the dance education, the reality is that it takes money for us to provide the finest instruction and facilities possible. With Christmas coming up, we encourage you to try to get your fees in early so as not to conflict with other Christmas expenses, or to accumulate late charges. As many of you know, we have already found several of our costumes, and so it is crucial that we collect the $30 costume deposit at this time so that we can get them. If you have not paid this fee, or made arrangements with us, please do so immediately. We will also be placing another shoe order in January for anyone who still needs to get their shoes. Please refer to the list posted in the studio to see which shoes your dancer will need for recital.

Also, please try to remember to bring in a recordable CD, labeled with the dancer’s name, as soon as possible so that we can make copies of their music for them. If we have all of their music cut and ready, I will try to get them back to you before Christmas break so that your dancer can practice over the vacation. If I don’t get them in time, or our music is not ready, I will return them to you when we resume classes in Jan. It will benefit your dancer greatly to have this music available to them to practice with at home. Remember, as with any lesson your child might be involved with, practicing what they are learning is crucial.

We also want to remind you that we are running a tumbling class on Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (this is a non-recital class), and Yoga classes on Tues and Thurs. mornings. Many of you had inquired about having this class, and we were able to put them together. Please contact Krista if you are still interested.

On a bit of a personal note, we would once again like to thank you for all of your support. We take the dance education of our students very seriously and put a lot of time, effort, and love in to ensure that they are receiving everything they need.

From the Dance Unlimited Family to Yours,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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